Michael celebrated his first birthday with many friends. He loved the attention, the cake, and gifts. It was so fun to watch him enjoy his day. He had seriously outgrown his baby toys, so it was wonderful to get many new "Big Boy" toys. I would love to be able to know what he really thought. So many people paying attention to his antics (he really is a ham!), discovering chocolate cake for the first time (how had Mom deprived him of this wonderful treat until now!!), and being able to tear open his presents (Mom usually stops him from ripping paper up).
It was a great day, and best of all, I think Michael could tell that this was a special day for him.
Wow this is good!!
Lick it clean Michael!
Michael's little friend, Ian.
Michael's Girlfriends (or at least Greg likes to think so!)
Mia, Michael, and Maddi
Playing with his new toys!