Michael and Daddy before church in their Easter clothes
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Easter 2010
Michael and Daddy before church in their Easter clothes
Friday, September 3, 2010
Welcome Tyler!
Weighing In at 7 lbs 6 ounces
"Where am I?"
Clean and Warm
I look so tired in this picture. I would like to say that is was because I just delivered a baby, but I don't think having an epidural and pushing twice qualifies as "hard labor"! But it was 4:00 am!
Big brother seeing Ty-man for the first time. Nice to see he was welcomed with kisses instead of pinches! (unfortunately, the newness has worn off and Tyler is sometimes the victim of Michael's temper tantrums!)
My boys!
Michael looked HUGE compared to Tyler. It was as if he grew a ton over night!
Maria (our trusted babysitter) and Tyler
Going Home
(So if Tyler is in the car seat, why do I still look pregnant?)
A Proud Big Brother!
A Proud Daddy!
Grammy arrived the day we went home from the hospital. Thank goodness we were not on our own for too long!
I love this picture! Greg was taking a picture of me and Tyler and Michael popped up in the back, with a binky in his mouth!!! The identity crisis begins!! Michael still (5 months later) likes to play like he is Tyler. He likes me to wrap him up, pretend to feed and burp him! We also have to call him Tyler!
Proud Mama and her Baby!!
Easter Eggs and "OUCH", What was that, a contraction?
Making Room for Baby Brother
After we finished redoing Michael's room, it was time to set up a new nursery. Thanks to my Mom and Sydnee who came to do all of the labor, I think Tyler's room came together very nicely. I chose a surfer theme, in hope that this new baby would be laid back and take things as they came. (very prophetic I must say!)