This year I made a commitment to begin traditions with Michael so that he would have some of the same fond memories of holidays that I had as a child. Easter egg dyeing was one of those and I knew that he would love it. So, the Saturday before Easter, we headed to the store, bought a dozen eggs and some dye. Below is our product. Michael and I were both very proud.
Afterward, I was cleaning up and started to feel a few contractions. Very normal for me, I had contractions starting at week 26 and felt them all of the time. Nothing to worry about. My due date wasn't for another 9 days, my mom would be here the following Tuesday. I told myself to just relax and Greg would be home soon.
Fast forward 8 hours and....
I love your boys' rooms. Darling!! I must say those are some fab eggs! ;) I love Michaels face, he is so excited. What a cutie! We love little Tyler...what a sweet addition to our family.
One other quick is so amazing to see how little Michael has grown since Easter. Crazy how fast our little beasties grow!
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