Tuesday, November 4, 2008

1 Year Old - Time To Celebrate!!!

Michael celebrated his first birthday with many friends. He loved the attention, the cake, and gifts. It was so fun to watch him enjoy his day. He had seriously outgrown his baby toys, so it was wonderful to get many new "Big Boy" toys. I would love to be able to know what he really thought. So many people paying attention to his antics (he really is a ham!), discovering chocolate cake for the first time (how had Mom deprived him of this wonderful treat until now!!), and being able to tear open his presents (Mom usually stops him from ripping paper up).

It was a great day, and best of all, I think Michael could tell that this was a special day for him.

Wow this is good!!

Lick it clean Michael!

Michael's little friend, Ian.

Michael's Girlfriends (or at least Greg likes to think so!)

Mia, Michael, and Maddi

Playing with his new toys!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Michael!

This past week, we celebrated Michael's first birthday. I have always heard that your children grow up so quickly, but I never really understood it until now. This past year has flown by so fast! Greg and I marvel when we watch Michael cruising around, playing with his toys, eating on his own; that just last year he couldn't do any of these things.
We have spent much of this past week thinking about when Michael was born. I was so anxious for him to come. My pregnancy went very smooth, so I was a little worried that I wouldn't be so lucky in my delivery. But to my relief, that went really well (thanks to the epidural!). Michael arrived at 6:13 pm, on October 21st. He was screaming before he was fully delivered, letting us know that we were in for an exciting ride!!
And that started our life with Michael and it has been a thrill ever since. Greg and I thank our Heavenly Father every day for sending us such a special little boy. He is such a happy baby. His little spirit just brightens every room. We love you little Michael!! We are so happy that you are part of our family!

Going Home

Many Late Nights!!

Oh, How Your Daddy Loves You!

What A Smile!

Our Little Santa!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

All Grown Up!

I can't believe how much Michael has grown up. I look at him everyday and wonder where that little baby went! He is so much fun and just lights up every room with his smile. Greg and I love to go visit him at the daycare because he just warms our hearts when we walk in. He is so social and loves to play, but he will always stop (just a for a moment) to give his parents a smile and a hug before wiggling free to get back to the business of playing. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the past few months.


Samantha and Michael

(neighbor girl who loves Michael)

Such a cutie!

Michael went through a stage where this was the only way he would fall asleep. He would sit up and cry until he couldn't keep his head up any longer and fall asleep. It was so sad! :(

He loves black beans, but he makes a complete mess. I think he looks like he has a beard!

Another messy, but cute face!

More black beans!

Michael loves to play in his toy corner. He will entertain himself here for a long time!
About a month ago, Michael started to let go when he is standing up. He is getting more and more brave!
Michael and Greg sent me flowers for my birthday! I love my guys!
Some serious bed head!
Michael went on his first play date with my friend's little boy, Alex.
Alex is about 5 months older.
He is so curious about the camera!
Michael knows where his food is. He loves to open the cupboard and get his cookies and crackers out. This time, he was able to open the crackers. He helped him self to a little snack!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Where's Michael ??

Here is a cute video of Michael playing peek-a-boo. Shuting doors is one of his favorite things. Greg and I laugh that to Michael, the world is just not right if there is an open door!

Grandpa Comes to Town

Well, again it has been a long time since I have posted anything, but we have been very busy. In August, Greg's Dad came to visit. We had such a great time and Michael loved the time with his Grandpa. He and Grandpa roughhoused and of course Grandpa showed him how to throw a ball. But the highlight of the trip was Michael's first football game. Purdue played Northern Colorado and Purdue was able to put a victory on the board! Boiler Up!!

Michael and Grandpa

Michael and Daddy at the Game

Saturday, July 19, 2008

On The Move

Well, this week was exciting for Michael...he is on the move. Yep, he crawled for the first time! I was lucky to record it. The filming isn't great because he is moving towards me as I am shaking a rattle to get his attention. But it is pretty cute. He was so proud of himself! He had a huge grin on his face when we called Greg to give him the news. Then he did a new accomplishment. Lately, he has been pulling himself up on everything, but just to his knees. After he had been crawling for the first time, I was sitting on the floor with him and he was pulling himself up to his knees on the ottoman. I was watching TV and looked over and he was standing up!! So, Thursday, July 17th was a big day for Michael. Makes you wonder if there was something in the food at the daycare that day!

It has been forever since I have posted anything and lots has been going on. Michael has met Pro Bowler, Drew Brees (Quarterback for the New Orleans Saints and former Purdue standout). Enjoyed a visit from his cousins and Uncle Kit and Aunt Liberty and his Grammy and Papa. He went to the Women's NCAA Golf Championship in Albuquerque and visited his Great Grandparents. In the first eight months of life, Michael has sure done a lot and met many people. He is really growing up and everyone is telling me that he looks less and less like a baby and more and more like a toddler. He is more fun than ever, but I don't want him to grow up too fast.

On The Move

Michael with Drew Brees

Michael with Cousins Gavin and Josiah

Michael with Yia Yia and Pappou

Michael with Maria
(2 time First Team All-American at Purdue)

Michael with Purdue Women's Golf Team
2008 NCAA Golf Championship
4th Place Finish

Michael in the Bath

My Little Charmer Lounging in the Stroller

My Big Boy

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy Easter!!

We spent the Easter weekend at my sister's home in Ohio. Sydnee and Dale recently bought a new home, so my parents were there helping them paint and get settled in. It was so fun to see everyone there. My parents had not seen Michael since Thanksgiving (he was just 8 weeks old). He is now 5 months old! They couldn't believe how much he had changed. He is rolling over now! It won't be long before he is on the move!

Michael had so much fun with his cousins, Parker and Ellee. They love him and are so cute with him. Ellee read to him and Parker loved to hold him and teach him all about the NCAA tournament. It was so cute to see Parker hold him while they watched the games. Too bad we didn't get a picture of that! :)

Ellee reading to Michael - Too Sweet!

Daddy and Michael ready for church - Happy Easter!

Easter Candy...too bad Mom and Dad ate it all!!

(Check out the socks!)

Ellee in her Easter dress

Mommy and Michael

Sydnee and Dale's New Home

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Yes, We Are Still Here

Yes, we are still alive and well! I know everyone was worried since I haven't posted anything since January! Wow, February flew by....and so much as happened.

Michael is now 4 months old. I can't believe it! He is really growing up and doing new things everyday. He completely entertains us! And of course Greg and I are like typical first time parents, we think our little guy is the most amazing baby EVER!!!

Here are some updated pictures of Michael and a couple of video clips. Michael has started to eat rice cereal. He loves it! There is also a video of him laughing. It is so cute, but you will have to ignore the amateur video!

Mmmm...rice cereal is good stuff!
Video Coming Soon

Tickle Me Michael

I Don't Like Shots!

Hello Grammy

Super Baby

I Love My Daddy!